Thursday, October 1, 2009

Latinos and the census boycott

I'd first like to say that I don't see how boycotting the 2010 Census is going to help Latinos make a statement on the issue of illegal immigration. If they hope to give a greater voice to issues of immigration reform, then it seems to me that they are just shooting themselves in the figurative foot, because a Census boycott would lead to decreased representation. I'm inclined to agree with Cabrera that this strategy is going to have negative consequences in spite of the good intentions.

As for whether or not illegal immigrants ought to be counted in the US Census. . . . I would have to say yes, but perhaps not for reasons that people might think. I don't support illegal immigration. I believe that if you're going to come to the United States, then you should go about doing so according to government procedures. However, I think it's a good idea to include illegal immigrants (not sure if that's the PC term) in the Census because doing so would provide a more accurate understanding of who is living inside our borders. Statistics can make a pretty good stab at the number of illegal immigrants in this country, but of course we can't know the real number because they are without documentation. Participation in the Census would provide a good idea as to the scope of this issue.

Secondly, once we have an idea of how many illegal immigrants are residing within the United States, it might be easier to formulate a plan to make them legal US citizens. I don't pretend to know how, exactly, but it seems to be a good start.

1 comment:

  1. We are on the verge of a major breakthrough with the illegal immigration deterrent program E-Verify. Washington has extended E-Verify to the end of October, but that is not enough for the 10 million plus jobless American workers. The stamp of approval of E-Verify has been recognized by the hundreds of thousands, or perchance millions of citizens and legal employees whose innumerable numbers have been disenfranchised by illegal alien labor. An apparel firm was raided by ICE and 1800 workers who are illegal have been fired, unless they can be positively accepted as having the right legal status? Unbelievable! Now without further adieu, we must lambaste the politicians until they make E-Verify permanent? It should be placed on the peak list of interior enforcement tools, and everybody who gets a pay check should be verified as part of the legal workforce.

    Incidentally regarding the 2010 Census? Small states will miss out big time on federal dollars, while mass illegal immigrant states will gain more seats in Congress and too much power and influence? Of course ICE could check the immigration status of those who are counted, even though it's supposedly against US law? Or is counting non-legal residence against the US Constitution?

    A huge number of suspected open border players, thought the courts would kill it as unconstitutional, or at least delay it? An amendment was presented by Sen. David Vitter that prevents any further delays in the implementation of the Social Security Administration’s No-Match-letter program. An amendment was also offered by Sen. Jeff Sessions that requires a permanent re-authorization of the application. The usual culprits tried to table the Sen. Sessions E-Verify amendment, but the motion failed and eventually passed. We have dubious decision makers in DC, who are not looking-out for the man/women in the street? This became very blatantly obvious in the stimulus bill, when no language omitted illegal workers from gaining at least 300.000 jobs in construction and other industries. The 247 G law is another successful police program, to identify illegal immigrants on the streets of our communities and highways. This law could be on the chopping block, as well as the ICE raids on pariah businesses. With modifications E-verify could detect illegal aliens applying for drivers licenses, car insurance, home mortgages, health care and much more? LET THE BLOODY EMPLOYERS WHO HAVE INSTIGATED THIS IMMIGRATION MESS--PAY FOR IT

    Both California and Nevada's lawmakers have a high percentage of illegal alien populace, so they are indebted not to enforce immigration laws. We as voters must transfer our frustration and anger to those who represent us at 202-224-3121. A continuous barrage of irate voters has upset the politician’s applecart in their offices, demanding change? You will only discover the true patriotic American politicians by going to and examining their immigration grades at NUMBERSUSA, JUDICIAL WATCH & for OVERPOPULATION statistics CAPSWEB. If we hesitate about these issues, all is lost, and the anti-sovereignty groups will take away our jobs, freedoms. If you really want to view the absolute appalling state our roads, bridges, dams and drinking water structure, watch "The Crumbling of America." The History channel has been illuminating the complete and utter indifference, while we financially support the world, wars and illegal immigrants for the business community.
